Consumables and Core funding – Aimed to help you meet your goals, not fund your Christmas stocking

Consumables and Core funding – Aimed to help you meet your goals, not fund your Christmas stocking

Consumables and Core funding – aimed to meet your goals, not fill your christmas stocking! Those with an NDIS package will likely be familiar with the consumables budget in their plan. Often participants choose to self manage this budget for ease of purchasing from non registered NDIS providers. This budget allows purchases of items under…

Where do we service?

Where do we service?

Hint: It’s in our business name. OT2YOU has been operating in Newcastle & Lake Macquarie for around 7 years, and has been there through the highs and the lows of the Newcastle NDIS trial site. During this time we have serviced Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, The Central Coast, The Hunter Valley, Tamworth, Narrabri, Moree and Glen…